Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Immigration Detention System

When we came to America in pursuit of a better life, we were immigrants and not the natural inhabitants were we not? So then why is it that we show no sympathy for other immigrants that come over to America looking for the exact same freedom? Yes, illegal immigration is a very heated topic of debate and that is not what I am focusing on, but whether detainees in prison are immigrants, illegal or not, they should be treated in a humane way.
This article brought to my attention the fact that the immigration detention system is inadequate and neglectful. Not only are there cases of detainees dying because of lack of care, but the system has no set standards of operations. Just because they are not Americans by birth does not mean that they are not human and do not deserve to be treated like human beings. If prison systems where citizens were being held were run the way that these immigration detention systems are run, it would be unacceptable and all over the news. However, the article points out the connection of the careless treatment of immigrants and the Bush administration being behind it. Whether this is the only reason why news and information about the “alarming evidence of shoddy care, inadequate staffing, lax standards, secrecy and chronic ineptitude” is being kept quiet or not, changes need to be made.
Thus I back the Detainee Basic Medical Care Act which will provide better rules and regulations for the care of immigrants in the immigration detention system. If you were an American in a foreign country’s prison system would not you expect to be treated humanely? As Americans we should try to be more accepting and less ignorant of the situation of immigration; everyone deserves to be treated respectfully whether they are from the United States or not.

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