Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Visa Restrictions

As reported on the BBC NEWS website on June 3rd, 2008, the United States government is planning on starting a program called the US Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) which will begin to take affect on January 12, 2009. The program is designed to help control possible terrorist threats from entering the United States. Visitors to the United States who are not required to have a visa will be required to register with the government online three days before their arrival.
A program like this is extremely important for the protection of the United States and its citizens, since there have been so many terrorist threats in the last few years. Not only are we concerned with monitoring the arrivals and departures of visitors from countries that are required to have a visa to enter the United States but now we are also taking into consideration visitors from all other countries outside of the United States. Although some countries in Western Europe may find these new restrictions to be superfluous it is necessary in order to ensure the safety of our nation. This program seems like a step in the right direction and a smart move by our government to eliminate the threat of terrorists.

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